School Board Appreciation Week

School Board Appreciation Week
1/22/2023 1/28/2023

School Board Appreciation Week Set for January 22nd – 28th,2023


WOODBURY,TN – January 22nd – 28th, 2023, is School BoardAppreciation Week in Tennessee. Cannon County Schools is joining public schooldistricts from across the state to celebrate School Board Appreciation Week andhonor local board members for their commitment to Cannon County and itschildren. The theme “Let’s Face It – School Boards Work”reminds us to celebrate the unique role school boards play in building a futurefor their students, championing and advocating for quality education, andgoverning their local public schools. As the elected/appointed representativesof the people in their local communities, they represent their localcommunities’ voice and vision for the future of their public schools. “It takesstrong schools to build a strong community, and these men and women devotecountless hours to making sure our schools are helping every child learn at ahigher level,” Director of Cannon County Schools - Mr. William Freddy Curtissaid.


“Theschool board’s main goal is to support student achievement,” Curtis added. “To

achievethat goal, the board focuses on the following needs:


•Creating a vision for what the community wants the school district to be andfor making student achievement the top priority;


•Setting the direction of the school district to achieve the highest student performance;


•Ensuring progress is measured to be sure the district’s goals are achieved andstudents are learning at expected levels;


•Supporting a healthy and safe school district culture in which to work and tolearn;


•Forming partnerships with others in the community to solve common problems; and


•Focusing on continuous improvement by questioning, examining, revising,refining, and revisiting issues related to student achievement.”


“Eventhough we are making a special effort during the last week of January to showappreciation for our school board members, we recognize their contributionsreflect a year-round effort on their part,” Curtis said. “Our local schoolboard impacts every student every day in Cannon County by influencing the high-qualityof education that our children and youth receive. The Cannon County Board ofEducation shows its commitment to educational excellence and equity–and forthat we are very grateful for their attitude of service.  Our deepest appreciation is extended to thededicated men and women who make it possible for local citizens to participatein education. We salute the public servants of the Cannon County Board ofEducation whose commitment and civic responsibility make local control ofpublic schools in our community possible. They have committed to hundreds of hours in research and meetings thispast year to refine and amplify the Districts’ Vision, Mission and Goals. Whichare:  Vision – ‘To Actively Engage inExcellence EVERY Day in EVERY Way!’ Mission Statement – ‘To Create an Environmentof Excellence That Will Provide Opportunities for All Students to Succeed andReach Their Full Potential.’ Goals: ‘Cannon County Schools will: Develop andimplement a long-range educational plan that provides opportunities and      resources for all Students, Faculties,and Staffs; Provide a safe and supportive learning environment in a unifiedcommunity; Creating a ‘Culture of Excellence’ through high expectations in allareas; and Engage families and the community as partners in the learningprocess.’ The continuing implementationof this 5 Year Strategic Plan will continue to be intense in the up-coming months/yearsand will involve great change and hard work on ALL staff in Cannon CountySchools.  These are the beginning steps in a series of many steps on ajourney that will impact succeeding generations of students in Cannon County.”

 Themembers serving our district are as follows: Chairman of the Board - Mrs. AlethaThomas – District 5: Woodbury City Limits & area to the West of Woodbury; ViceChairman - Mr. Derrick Mullins – District 3: Woodland/Southern Communities ofCannon County; Chairman Pro Tem – Mrs. Rebecca Tramel – District 2 Auburntown/ShortMountain/Northern Communities of Cannon County; Mr. Wade McMackins - District1: West Side Community/Western Communities of Cannon County; and Mrs. JessicaCurtis - District 4: East Side/Short Mountain/Eastern Communities of Cannon County.




















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