About Us

Welcome to Cannon County School District! We are a public school system that serves approximately 1,900 students in grades PK through 12. We are located in Middle Tennessee in and around the city of Woodbury.
Our desire is for all students to graduate from high school prepared for college or a career. We will accomplish this through our VISION & MISSION: The VISION of Cannon County Schools is "Engaged in Excellence EVERY Day in EVERY Way!" accomplished through our MISSION - "To Create a Unified Environment That Will Provide Opportunities for All Students to Reach Their Full Potential." Our Goals are: *Provide a safe and supportive learning environment in a unified community; **Creating a 'Culture of Excellence' through high expectations in all areas; ***Engage families and the community as partners in the learning process; ****Develop long-range facilities plan that provides opportunities and resources for all Students, Faculties, and Staff.